What I'm Using


Mac Studio (2023) - M2 Pro, 32Gb RAM

This is the main machine I use for developing Software. There’s nothing cooler than this machine! it absolutely rocks for developing when I need the processing power

Mac Mini (2022) - M1, 8GB Ram

This is the machine I use when I’m working on anything to do with writing, be that blog posts, or technical docs - the smooth nature of this machine, with dedicating it to technical writing means I have a super cool experience working with it

Mobile Phones

iPhone 15 (2023)

This is my “daily use phone” - but also one of my multitude of test devices for Mobile Development. The battery lasts forever, combined with support for the lastest features

iPhone SE (2022)

This is another of my test devices, powerful enough to handle complex apps, and small enough to test the build on smaller Apple mobiles

Google Pixel 7a

Another test device - again, a relatively recent one that supports the latest features, allowing me to build out android apps and test the latest stuff

Oppo A74

Another test device - carries some strong processing power, but also supports testing in lower resolutions - which is great for testing multiple resolutions with different android apps


Huawei MateView 32 inch

An excellent monitor, with superb resolution! These days, I don’t need more than this!

Logitech G Pro Headset

A superb headset - not noise cancelling, but high enough quality not to matter! the volume this kicks out is incredible!

Apple AirPods 3

My daily wireless earphones - when I’m not on calls, or actively recording videos, these are my earphones of choice